No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



Wolves - Rise Against (2017)

Are we not good enough?
Are we not brave enough?
Is the violence in our nature
Just the image of our maker?
Are we not good enough?
Are we not brave enough?
To become something greater
Than the violence in our nature?
Are we not good enough
Or is it all a dream?
(da The Violence)
C'è qualcosa di puro nella musica dei Rise Against, per quanto gli elementi rarefatti di hardcore, ma soprattutto di classico punk rock à la Bad Religion, siano edulcorati in ritornelli, e pure strofe, decisamente orecchiabili, e per questo molto spesso in classifica. E non c'è davvero niente di male, ad essere popolari, speriamo sempre di più, se si continua ad elargire messaggi tipo quelli riportati in apertura. Quando un frontman (Tim McIlrath) dichiara "Voglio creare spazi pericolosi dove la misoginia non può esistere, dove la xenofobia non può esistere. Voglio creare spazi in cui questi sentimenti non abbiano aria e soffochino: dove idee di questo tipo muoiano. Wolves non riguarda la creazione di uno spazio sicuro, bensì cerca di creare uno spazio pericoloso per l'ingiustizia", c'è solo da togliersi il cappello e ringraziare. Se poi ci sono anche belle canzoni punk, tanto di guadagnato!

Are we not good enough?
Are we not brave enough?
Is the violence in our nature
Just the image of our maker?
Are we not good enough?
Are we not brave enough?
To become something bigger
Than the violence in our nature?
Are we not good enough
Or is it all a dream?
(from The Violence)
There is something pure in Rise Against's music, though rare elements of hardcore, but especially of classic punk rock à la Bad Religion, are sweetened in chorus, and even verses, very catchy, and for that very often in the rankings. And there is really nothing wrong with being popular, we hope for more and more, if they continue to deliver messages like the ones in the opening. When a frontman (Tim McIlrath) declares “I want to create dangerous spaces where misogyny can’t exist, where xenophobia can’t exist. I want to create spaces where those sentiments don’t have any air, and they suffocate: where those ideas die. Wolves isn’t about creating a safe space, it’s about creating a space that’s dangerous for injustice”, there is only to take off the hat and thank. If there are also nice punk songs, so much to gain!

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