No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.


Noche de ronda

Lola - Carrie Rodriguez (2016)

Continua il mio viaggio attraverso le voci country femminili meno conosciute, sempre guidato dall'amico Monty, che a questo giro mi ha segnalato Carrie Rodriguez. Figlia e nipote d'arte (il padre David è stato poeta nonché artista folk, la madre Katy Nail è pittrice, la nonna materna, Frances Nail, fu saggista), questo è il suo quinto disco in studio come solista, intervallato da ben tre dischi dal vivo, in dieci anni. Suona violino, mandolino elettrico e tenor guitar, orgogliosamente texana, bilingue, ottima voce forse con un timbro non abbastanza particolare, ma validissimo comunque, propone una americana fortemente incrociata con atmosfere latine, rancheras, tex-mex, o come le vogliate chiamare. Canzoni ben scritte e spesso delicate, spesso cantante in spagnolo e inglese, degne di un ascolto.

My journey continues through the lesser-known country female voices, always led by my friend Monty, who pointed to me on this round Carrie Rodriguez. Daughter and granddaughter of art (father David was a poet as a folk artist, her mother Katy Nail is a painter, her maternal grandmother, Frances Nail, was an essayist), this is her fifth studio disc as a soloist, interposed by three live records, in ten years. She plays violin, mandobird and tenor guitar, she is proudly texan, bilingual, she has good voice perhaps with a not very particular timbre, but still valid, she plays an Americana strongly crossed with latin atmospheres, rancheras, tex-mex, or whatever name you want to call them. Well written and often delicate songs, often sang in Spanish and English, worthy of a listen.

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