No pain. The world is a wonderful whisper for those who can listen, if necessary in silence.



DAMN. - Kendrick Lamar (2017)

A meno di due anni dal precedente, pluri-osannato To Pimp a Butterfly, ecco il quarto lavoro dell'ennesimo genietto del conscious hip hop, Kendrick Lamar Duckworth. Rime perfette, atmosfere jazz (c'è lo zampino dei BadBadNotGood), beat intriganti, collaborazioni inaspettate (c'è Rihanna in Loyalty; ma anche gli U2 su XXX, poi Mike Will Made It, The Alchemist, 9th Wonder, James Blake e molti altri), e storie, storie vivide e piene di particolari. Da ascoltare con i testi e un po' di immaginazione.

Less than two years after the last, multi-honored "To Pimp a Butterfly", here's the fourth album of another hip hop little genius, Kendrick Lamar Duckworth. Perfect rhymes, jazz atmosphere (there's the BadBadNotGood work), intriguing beat, unexpected collaborations (there's Rihanna in "Loyalty", but also U2 on "XXX", then Mike Will Made It, The Alchemist, 9th Wonder, James Blake and many more ), And storytelling, stories lively and full of details. To be listen with the lyrics in one hand, and a little imagination in your brain.

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